Sunday 11 December 2011

Qing Ming Shang He Tu 清明上河图 Animation: Singapore Expo

Song Dynasty painting Qing Ming Shang He Tu 清明上河图 (Along the River During Qing Ming Festival) by Song Zhang Ze Duan 张择端 was given some animation treatment in an exhibition held at Singapore Expo from 7 Dec 2011 - 6 Feb 2012.

The original was slightly over half a metre long but the presenter have enlarged it to fill up a large exhibition hall:

A "river" was created too...

Curve-screens... looks like a scroll

The painting is a good study of the socio-economical situation of the Song Dynasty.  Here are a few scenes below:

Interesting to see night scene re-created:


This exhibition is a good introduction to a famous painting. It will encourage those who want to know more to do more research.  The animated people, on close inspection, may not be life-like but this was not meant to be looked close-up.  It will be great if the first scene or the last would show how the original painting look like.  Nonetheless, for the admission price of S$21, it is reasonable value.

The audio guide (I had the Mandarin commentary) was informative.

There are 2 parts to this exhibition.  The first part consists of static display of the life and times of the Song Dynasty.  The second part is the animation portion.  Set aside at least an hour for this exhibition in total.

The venue is located right next to Expo MRT Station.

More information could be found on:

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